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Everything You Need to Know About LED Lighting

The Light Emitting Diode (LED) has been around for over 100 years, since Captain Henry Joseph Round was the first to publish reports of electroluminescence in the journal Electrical World in 1907.

Now LEDs are everywhere, being used as all types of light sources. This article will explain why this is the case, and how you can find the right kind of lighting for your specific needs.

What LED stands for

LED stands for Light Emitting Diode.
A Light emitting diode is a two-lead light source based on a semiconductor, which emits light when activated by electricity.
LEDs have been used as general light sources since 2007.
They are considered superior to traditional light sources.

How LEDs Are Used as Lighting

LEDs are either installed in light bulbs, attached to strips or installed directly into lights.
The diodes are very small on their own, and this means that they can be easily applied to a wide variety of creative lighting solutions.
They can be bought as traditional light bulbs, and used in existing light fittings as a replacement for incandescent on fluorescent lamps.
Their general lighting uses in the home can be anything from traditional pendants, reading lights, recessed downlights, bulkheads, night lights and landscape lighting in gardens.
Smaller LEDs are also used in a wide variety of electronic items including computer displays, clocks and watches, laser printers and industrial machine displays.
Besides being used as a general light source, LEDs are used for flashlights, and traffic lights.



It is widely acknowledged that LEDs are more durable than traditional light sources.
Fluorescent and incandescent light sources can be smashed, halogen light sources can be damaged during installation, by the oil from installers hands.
Most regulatory standards require LEDs to be dropped from four metres without breaking.

Compact Size

LEDs come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, as they are made by many different manufacturers for a variety of applications.
In general, they are less than one square inch on the surface. Technological advancements mean they are following the miniaturisation trend of other electronic devices, and getting a lot smaller.
This means that LEDs can be used in just about any device, either as a light source, indicator or display.

Long Lifetime

LEDs impressive durability, and lack of breakable components, means that they can have a very long life-time. Much longer than traditional light sources…

- Incandescent lights have a lifetime of 1,000 hours
- Fluorescent lamps last for 6,000 – 15,000 hours
- Metal-halide lamps also last for 6,000 – 15,000 hours
- LED light sources can last between 25,000 – 50,000 hours


High quality LED lighting can outlast the next most durable lighting technology, the compact fluorescent (CFL) by over 10 times, and they can outlast incandescent light sources by over 50 times.
In the case of the majority of LED lights, if they were left on 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, they could last for up to 6 years!
If the same LED lights were used normally, and on for an average of 6 hours per day, they would last for 18 years or more.
(LED lights for general use have only been around for about a decade, so these ratings are mostly from intensive lab testing, they could last even longer.)

Low Maintenance

An upshot of the longer lifetimes of LED lights is that the need to replace lamps which have failed is greatly reduced.
This will translate into savings of time and money, and is especially important for lighting which needs to be maintained by an electrician.
This is a big advantage over other light sources, as they are more easily damaged and require replacement more often.

Benefits of LED Lighting Video

U Osnovnoj školi "Nikola Tesla" u Obrenovcu otvorena je danas renovirana fiskulturna sala. Grad je finansirao radove sa 70 miliona dinara i radi o modernoj hali koja se brzo gradi, a istovremeno je i energetski efikasna i dugotrajna, rečeno je prilikom otvaranja.

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Objekti su izgrađeni od prefabrikovanih ferocementnih (AB) elemenata, „velikih cigli“ koji su bez termičkih mostova. Elementi su troslojni, armirano-betonski, montažni, termoizolovani, „sendvič“ tipa. Osnova elemenata izrađena je od ferocementa u obliku pravougaone ljuske ojačane rebrima po ivicama. Drugi sloj je vatrootporni termoizolacioni sloj debljine od 15cm ili više koji obezbeđuje da je koeficijent provođenja toplote k od <0,15 W/m²К. Treći sloj je zaštitna ferocementna ploča.

Poligonalni AB luk se formira na svaka 4 metra, između elemenata &nbsp;u kojem je „uvezana“ armatura iz nosećeg sloja elemenata. Na ovaj način se dobija prostorna struktura umreženih AB lukova i greda (rebara elemenata) koji čine trajnu, bezbednu vatrootpornu konstrukciju.